I don't know how many books I have started to write. There are several chapters of the start of several books in several old computers I have owned over the years. Writing has always been something I enjoy doing. I always knew I wanted to publish a book. What it was going to look like, I wasn't sure.
Perhaps I would write a book for my grandchildren that told the story of their Poppy and Nonnie and how we started dating in High School. The story would share our adventures of our young marriage and our early years together in Europe. They may enjoy that love story. This story seems too personal to share with the world, however. I will pen that novel at another time to pass along to each one of them.
In 2022, I decided to take the pages of some of my previous writings and to be more serious about publishing, not just writing. I set a goal to publish my first book by the end of the year. December 27, 2022... goal Accomplished! It was a lofty goal, but an attainable goal. Goal setting is the easy part. Committing to the goal is where it gets difficult.
I hope you will consider reading my book and that it may help you with having a positive mindset to achieve your goals. I would love to know what your goals are for 2023! I look forward to hearing how you achieved meeting them by the end of the year. Please enjoy, "The Marathon of Running a Business" and let me know if I can offer any guidance on your goal setting journey! The book is ready to order (see link on website). Stop by Solenberger's True Value Hardware January 28th from noon-3:00 where I am officially launching my book at a book signing event! I will have them to purchase there.